Alan Wright

Alan is an accredited mediator and an accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP). He is also a solicitor (Accredited Specialist in Family Law).

Alan provides family dispute resolution (FDR)/mediation in family law matters (property settlements, parenting arrangements).

Alan is passionate about helping people to reach a resolution to their dispute. Having been a lawyer for over 30 years, he sees this as a much better option than going through the stress, delay and cost of a court hearing.

As an FDRP, Alan can issue a certificate pursuant to s60I of the Family Law Act. Generally, a person is required to have a s60I certificate when filing an application for a parenting order with the court.

For more information about Alan, go to Alan Wright.

What is FDR/mediation?

FDR is a process in which an independent, impartial FDRP helps people resolve disputes arising from their separation. Generally, the disputes are in relation to property settlement or arrangements for children.

FDR includes the FDRP conducting an assessment to be satisfied that FDR is appropriate and, if appropriate, conducting a mediation.

At the mediation, the independent, impartial FDRP assists parties to reach a resolution to their dispute. The parties may or may not be assisted by a lawyer. Alan only conducts a mediation when there is at least one lawyer at the mediation.

The mediation can be conducted in different ways, depending on the needs of the parties. Often there will be a mixture of joint sessions (FDRP, parties & lawyers) and separate sessions (FDRP meeting with a party & their lawyer). Sometimes there will just be separate sessions ie ‘shuttle’ mediation.

What is the cost of FDR?

Alan’s fees are:

·      Property: $3,500 + GST, reduced to $2,500 + GST if the mediation takes less than 3 hours.

·      Parenting: $4,000 + GST, reduced to $3,000 + GST if the mediation takes less than 3 hours.

In all matters, this covers: assessment as to suitability for FDR, preparation for the mediation, the mediation and the issuing of any certificates. In parenting mediations, it also includes a phone intake. In all matters, if applicable, the parties pay for room hire.

It is usual for each party to pay 50% of the fee, but the parties may come to a different agreement.

Alan will only conduct a combined parenting & property mediation on the same day if the parenting issue is very limited and if everyone agrees that it will be a short discussion. If you think that your matter fits into this category, then book it as a property mediation and send an email to Alan explaining the circumstances. In this case, Alan will charge $4,500 + GST (including the phone intake).

Where does Alan conduct mediations?

Alan conducts mediations at a physical location or by Zoom.

He will attend a suitable physical location which is convenient for the parties in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, the Hunter Valley or the Central Coast. This may be at the office of one of the solicitors or at hired rooms.

Child inclusive mediation

Alan can conduct child inclusive mediation. Child inclusive mediation includes the children meeting with a child consultant. The child consultant comes to the mediation and:

·       Informs the parties as to how the children are coping with separation

·       Supports the parties to assist the children to manage any problems they may be experiencing.

Booking a mediation

You can book a mediation by:

·       The booking system on this website

·       Sending an email to Alan at

·       Phoning Alan on 0478 292 107

Preparing for mediation

To prepare for mediation, you may be assisted by reading the sections: “Property Settlement and Mediation”, and “The Mediation Process”.

Book a mediation

To book: Choose an available date in the calendar below. The first available date for the month appears in blue. Otherwise, available dates appear in black. You can advance to the next month’s dates by clicking the arrow > located at the top right hand side of the calendar.

1) Click the desired date and it will appear selected with a blue dot.

2) Click the session time button underneath the calendar with the label 9:30 AM (all mediation sessions start at this time unless otherwise arranged)

3) Fill in your information to book an appointment.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Alan directly using the email or phone number above.

Get in Touch

If you have any further queries, or would like to speak with Alan in regards to your mediation query, feel free to send a message via the contact form below or call 0478 292 107.